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Rackteck Earthing

SKU: Rackteck Earthing

Racktech offers a wide range of Earthing Bars and a Earthing kit which consists of: M6 rings at each end, 2x M6 studs, 4x M6 nuts, 4x M6 star washers.

Earthing Bar

  • Copper earth bar is 3mm thick with, slotted and threaded holes


Earthing Kit 

  • 400mm long earthing cable
  • Earthing kit consists of: M6 rings at each end, 2x M6 studs, 4x M6 nuts, 4x M6 star washers

Earthing Bar

RU Part Number
12RU C1255
18RU C1855
27RU C2755
38RU C3855
42RU C4255
45RU C4555

Earthing Kit 

Part Number Description
9402 Earthing Kit