PLP Engineering Services
Being a market leader in electrical and mechanical engineering – Preformed Line ProductsNew Zealand (PLP) has been working seamlessly to meet the challenging demands of the overhead power industry. PLP are involved in electrical, mechanical and structural engineering, and combine each of these skills to develop products which comply with all relevant standards and quality levels. This has resulted in a unique skill set that combines explicit and tacit knowledge with many years of experience and engineering excellence.
PLP offers the client theoretical and practical experience in a uniquely broad range of design and manufacturing disciplines. Our expertise stretch from conceptual design right through to internationally recognized product testing which results in a fully developed product that meets the client’s individual needs. PLP’s testing laboratory is capable of running various
mechanical and electrical tests which meet international standards to ensure that products are able to comply with the high standards of the power industry.
Certificate of Accreditation
ILAC – International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation – is the international organization for accreditation bodies operating in
accordance with ISO/IEC 17011.
IANZ – International Accreditation New Zealand – supports the regulation and adoption of international standards in New Zealand
and is recognized as an official governing body by ILAC.
PLP NZ’s laboratory is IANZ accredited for mechanical, heat cycle and short circuit testing to international standards such as IEC, ANSI, AS and BS. Through the application of internationally recognized standards, PLP NZ consumers can be confident
in the test results, inspection reports and certifications provided.
Scope of Accreditation
Electrical tests on fittings
PLP’s testing laboratory offers heat cycle tests and short circuit testing for type testing of cable joining equipment of Class A and B
• Heat cycle tests on electrical connectors in accordance with IEC 61238-1, IEC 61284, AS1154.1, AS1154.3 and ANSI C119.4.
• Short circuit (fault current) tests in accordance with IEC 61238 and IEC 61284.
• Temperature rise test in accordance with ANSI/NEMA CC 1-2009 Electric Power connection for substations. (up to 4000 A).
Mechanical tests on fittings
PLP’s mechanical test bed is capable of performing tensile tests on conductor fittings and connections up to 400 kN.
• Type and batch testing on compression and helical fittings in accordance with IEC 61284, IEC 61238-1, ANSI C119.4, AS 1154.1 and AS 1154.3.