SKU: AFS-000
Aluminium Formed Splice (AFS’s)
SKU: AFS-000For use on: AAC, AAAC, ACSR or SBC Conductors
PLP’s conductor splices are used for making connections between two bare conductors. PLP’s mid-span conductor splices will restore full mechanical and electrical properties and provide an economical and highly efficient splicing method.
On all-aluminum, aluminum alloy, and copper conductors of homogenous stranding, the Conductor Splice will hold a minimum of 90% of the rated breaking strength of, and provide better conductance than, an equal length of unspliced conductor.
On ACSR conductor, the Conductor Splice will hold a minimum tension amounting to the full strength of the aluminum strands plus 10% of the steel core strength. Conductance will be better than in an equivalent length of unspliced conductor.
- Full Tension Applications (90% RTS as per AS1154.3)
- * Limited Tension Application (55-90% RTS)
Conductor | Catalog Number | AAC | AAAC | ACSR | SBC | Colour Code | Box Qty | Quantity |
AFS-053 | - | Argon | - | Herring * | Purple | - | |
AFS-059 | - | - | - | Pollock * | Red | - | |
AFS-063 | Namu, Gnat | - | Squirrel*, Swan *, Magpie* | Yellow | 50 | ||
AFS-068 | - | Boron | - | Flounder*, Whiting * | Brown | 50 | |
AFS-078 | Poko | Chlorine | Gopher * | - | Orange | - | |
AFS-083 | Ladybird | Chromium | Fox * | Red | - | ||
AFS-090 | Kutu | Fluorine | Ferret * | Pickerel*, Lamprey * | Red | - | |
AFS-102 | Fly | - | - | Hake * | Purple | - | |
AFS-105 | Rango | - | - | - | Blue | - | |
AFS-113 | Grasshopper | Helium | Mink | Petrel * | Black | 12 | |
AFS-123 | Moka | - | Raccoon*, Otter*, Skunk * | - | Blue | - | |
AFS-135 | Wasp, Beetle | Hydrogen | - | - | Green | - | |
AFS-143 | Weke, Bee | Iodine | Stoat*, Dog*, Hare*, Hyena * | - | Blue | 12 | |
AFS-163 | Cricket, Hornet, Weta | Krypton | Dingo * | - | Orange | - | |
AFS-175 | Huhu, Caterpillar | Lutetium | - | - | Blue | - | |
AFS-188 | Chafer, Mata | Neon | Wolf*, Jaguar * | - | Black | - | |
AFS-210 | Cockroach | Nitrogen | Panther * | - | Red | - | |
AFS-238 | Butterfly | Oxygen | - | - | Blue | - |